Monday, August 10, 2009

Just a hole!

We just got the phone call from our mechanic about my hubby's POS car...

First I would like to say "Thank You" to the Car Gods' for finally allowing us an easy, inexpensive car repair. Thank you for lessoning your wrath and allowing it to only be a hose replacement. As I know it could have been much worse. In all fairness, Car Gods', you have royally screwed me the last two times you unleashed your fury upon me, costing me massive amounts of money that wasn't in my budget. I think you owed me this small repair. I have paid my dues for what ever it was I did to piss you off in the first place.
I should also credit you for teaching me to lower my standards. Thanks to you, Car God's, and your evilness, my way of thinking has changed. The normal person would have pissed that the car broke in the first place, as I was, but I went to the fridge and ingested massive amounts of beer to lessen my worries. Then the normal person would have also been pissed off at the fact that they had to even buy a hose or pay for repairs at all. But not me. I'm happy to fix a hose. I'll fix hoses any day of the week, I can handle that. I just have one small request: Please keep the engines, head gaskets, tranmissions and anything else that costs $1000.00 to fix in tact until I finish nursing school.
I'm not ready to buy a new car just yet. Amen.

Eternally grateful forever and ever and ever,


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