Friday, August 7, 2009

Designed by Goliath

So a bar regular pointed out a panic button today that I hadn't ever noticed before. I was aware of the one in the back of the restaurant but not this one. I argued w/ my regular that it wasn't a button but maybe a sensor for the security system? Like I know these things...I just work there....I was sure I was right because it was so high up one would most def. get shot if attempting to push it.

Me to my manager P: Hey P, what's that?

P: Panic button. Don't touch it! *He knows me well...*

Me: Couldn't even if I wanted to. Must have missed the wall scaling course that is required to reach that.

My regular and I came to the decision that we seriously hope I am never in a situation where this is needed, or I'm screwed (only 5'4). It would take two chairs, three bar stools, and Inspector Gadgets go-go arm just to reach it. Hell, maybe I'll just ask our robber for a little assistance...could he please not shoot me, but rather stand on a stool while picking me up so I might hit the panic button? Maybe if I was lucky it would be a "really tall" crook so that we, together, would be tall enough. Assuming he didn't shoot me first...Maybe I am supposed to have superconscious telepathic abilities to push buttons with only my sheer will?

Until next time....

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